Old drunks

Time for a rant. Because every time I get on public transportation, I end up next to a 1) alcoholic, 2) deranged person, or 3) someone who just polished off an entire package of smoked salmon and topped it off with a few garlic cloves. But really, it’s the drunks that are starting to annoy me. And it’s not just on the busses (slightly shadier) but also on the S-trains (way nicer, generally).

The problem with having a drunk sit down right next to you is you just don’t know if he (or she, lately) will get paranoid and then swiftly turn belligerent if you move somewhere else. And it’s especially awkward when you’re by the window and they block you in.

So I just spent 30 minutes on the bus breathing deeply through my wooly, perfume-infused scarf to avoid the potent aroma of the smelly drunk bugger snoring next to me with his eyes wide open. Nasty stuff. I ended up a bit lightheaded and high from the hyperventilation-like experience. Was it worth it? I don’t know. I couldn’t tell what he might do with his oversized Tuborg if I made a sudden move.

About Kolya Partan

I'm a Boston-based environmental writer and an avid outdoor enthusiast.
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